Are Magic Leap’s Augmented Reality Glasses Worth the Hype?

Augmented reality (AR) is the concept of mixing the things of the real world with digital data. The concept is quite old, and we have seen it in many science fiction movies. Google Glasses and Microsoft Hololens are the two products already mixing the reality with the digital data, but Magic Leap promises to take the concept one step further.

Magic Leap revealed its AR glasses with accompanying gadgets. The set of three includes Sci-Fi looking glasses, a wearable computing device and a handheld controller.

Are Magic Leap’s Augmented Reality Glasses Worth the Hype?

Magic Leap actually released several videos to show the augmented reality experience in action. The previous videos were not quite complete to form any expectations, but the new video is quite exciting and gives a clear idea of what to expect.

The video shows very nice graphics laid on the actual real view seen by the wearer. The graphics are sharp and the text is readable. Although the video shows acceptably appealing AR equipment with reasonable results, one cannot say for sure about the final product.

With big companies on its back, like Google, Warner Bros, and Qualcomm, and $1.9 billion funding so far, Magic Leap has created a big hype in the market so far. The company is determined to keep the hype by releasing information only bit by bit.

Augmented reality is a hot topic among tech gurus and they have predicted major developments in this technology in upcoming years. However, would people really like to put these bulky glasses so that they can see the digital data, which is a little more than a fancy way to look at your mobile screen? For now, this is an unanswered question. Tech pundits have predicted the rise of augmented reality, but the technology is not yet sophisticated enough to appeal masses and no one knows where the tipping point lays.